Selling your business is a major decision! You have devoted your time, money, and energy into building, running, and operating your business. It may well represent your life’s work. If you have already decided that now is the right time to sell, you want the very best professional guidance you can get. This is when working with a professional business broker can make the difference between just selling the business and selling it for the very best price and terms.
If you’ve gone this far, then selling your business has aroused enough curiosity that you are taking the first step. You don’t have to make a commitment at this point; you are just getting informed about what is necessary to successfully sell your business. Let's start by answering to questions to help you through the maze of the process itself.

“Do I know what my business is worth?”
Quite frankly, if we were selling our business, that is the first thing we would want to know. However, we’re going to put this very important issue off for a bit and cover some of the things you need to know before you get to that point. Before you ask that question, you have to be ready to sell for what qualified buyers are willing to pay. There are many other factors to consider in addition to price.
“Do I really want to sell this business?”
If you’re really serious and have a solid reason (or reasons) why you want to sell, it will most likely happen. You can increase your chances of selling if you can answer yes to the third question:
“Do I have reasonable expectations?”
A yes answer to these questions means you are serious about selling.